Farm Buildings & Facilities
- Animal Housing
- Concrete
- Drawings & Costs
- Facilities, Fittings & Services
- 360 Virtual Farmyard Tours
- Milking Equipment
- Planning Permission
- Silage & Slurry
Useful Links
- Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine website: see Buildings specifications (AES) and
- Irish Farm Buildings Association:
- Irish Milk Quality Co-operative Society (IMQCS): Milk Quality Handbook, Teagasc/IMQCS Milking Machine Standards Manual, Milking Machine Technician Register, etc.
Key Priorities for the Development of a New Dairy Unit - Eamonn & Darren Healy
Eamonn and Darren Healy from Wicklow are in a farmer-son partnership together and recently built a new cubicle shed and parlour in order to allow them to expand from 180 to 300 cows. Watch their story here