Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD)
With a view to enhancing the effectiveness of the national engagement in agriculture for development, Teagasc has taken the lead in bringing together a number of the leading organisations involved in overseas development to form the Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD). IFIAD was established as a voluntary, multi-disciplinary platform to share knowledge and good practices and to bring together Ireland’s acknowledged excellence in development and the agri-food sector for the benefit of agricultural development programming and policy in support of Ireland’s development objectives.
The underlying premise for establishing IFIAD was the recognised need for a more effective multi-disciplinary engagement in the area of agricultural development and the identified opportunity to better leverage Irish expertise in this area for the benefit of development programmes overseas. The Forum aims to bring together all of the Irish players, researchers, policymakers, industry, and practitioners involved in the agriculture for development field with a view to strengthening the research-policy-practice interface and maximising the Irish contribution to agriculture-driven poverty reduction in developing countries.