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Policy and Strategy

As the national body responsible for agricultural research and knowledge transfer in Ireland, Teagasc has a responsibility to support the national effort aimed at strengthening agricultural development and reducing hunger and under nutrition in underdeveloped countries. In a time of significant resource constraints, this agenda can be best pursued by aligning and coordinating our efforts and resources with those of other national and international organisations, in particular those of Irish Aid and Irish NGOs, such as Vita.

The background to, rationale for and statement of policy and strategy is set out in:
International Food Security - Teagasc Policy and Strategy for Research and Knowledge Transfer.

This document outlines our approach to utilising our capacity in agriculture and food research, knowledge transfer and education for the benefit of agricultural development in poorer countries. The policy builds on the long-term experience and knowledge of the organisation and of individual staff members in contributing to technical assistance projects in developing countries.

It is envisaged that our engagement will consist of focused contributions by way of a flexible network of staff members and coordinated by an internal Food Security Committee.