Research Publications
Teagasc produce a wide range of publications covering all aspects of our research, advisory and training programmes. These include leaflets, booklets, training manuals, a research journal, End of Project Research Reports (Technology Updates), survey reports and conference proceedings. Below, you will find a selection of research-related publications. For a complete list of Teagasc publications go to the publications section.
TResearch is Teagasc's research and innovation magazine. While the primary aim is to communicate Teagasc research, the magazine also aims to improve the public awareness and understanding of agri-food research generally. More
Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
The Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research is a peer-reviewed journal published by Teagasc. It features papers on any aspect of research of direct relevance to temperate agriculture, including plant and animal sciences, food science, soils, engineering, buildings, economics and sociology. More
Technology Updates
Teagasc publishes Technology Updates in respect of all completed major research projects. These reports are designed to ensure a more effective transfer of new research information to the advisory and training services and to the end-user and to provide an easily accessible record of the main research findings. More
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings from our research and knowledge transfer conferences and events
Moorepark News
Research, technology and innovation for the dairy industry. A joint newsletter from the Food and Animal & Grassland research programmes in Moorepark.