Posters & Infographics
- Pig Herd Performance 2021
- Managing Stress
- New EU Regulations on Veterinary Medicines
- The Casualty Pig - prevent unnecessary suffering
- Teagasc Pig Research Impacts and Highlights from Strategy 2015 - 2020
- What type of feed system is best for my pig farm?
- Community Manager EUPiG
- Adoption of a biosecurity tool EUPiG
- Precision Production EUPiG
- Health Management EUPiG
- Health Status on Irish Pig Farms
- Nutrient Recovery Cycle Infographic (PDF)
- Irish Pig Production Facts 2020
- Herd performance 2019
- Reduce the threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) poster
- COVID-19 poster
- Tail biting risk factors