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Woodlands for Water Event

  • Teagasc Moorepark Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork P61 C996.
  • Wednesday 29 May 2024 
  • Two time slots available:
    • First group, arrive between 10:30-11:00
    • Second group, arrive between 11:00-11:30
  • Each tour will take approx. 2.5 hours. Bring suitable outdoor gear.
  • Registration is now closed. If you have not registered already, please contact directly the event co-ordinator, John Casey on 087- 224228. 


There are clear water quality objectives set out in the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2023-2027.

Two new grant-aided options under the Forestry Programme 2023-2027 can help to protect water and aquatic ecosystems by the creation of native forests beside watercourses.

As part of Whole Farm Planning, planting under Forest Type 2 - Forest for Water (FT2) and the Native Tree Area Scheme (NTA2) can deliver a wide range of significant water-related ecosystem services, including:

  • Reduction in sediment mobilisation and runoff into the adjacent river
  • Interception of nutrient runoff into the watercourse
  • River bank stabilisation
  • Food input into the aquatic ecosystem
  • Shading / cooling
  • Regulation of floodwater
  • Riparian restoration

Event description

The Woodland for Water national event will take place in Teagasc’s Moorepark Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork on Wednesday 29 of May 2024. This event will highlight the wide range of significant water-related ecosystem services provided by the establishment in 2023 of almost three hectares of new native woodland and undisturbed water setbacks along the Funshion River.

Additional benefits to Teagasc Moorepark include increased native woodland biodiversity, carbon sequestration, improved landscape and greater habitat linkage within the wider landscape.


There will be a number of information stands. Teagasc Moorepark, Teagasc Forestry Development Department, ASSAP and LAWPRO, the Signpost Programme and Teagasc Environment will give short 10 - 15 minute presentations.

Discussions will include:

  • Current land uses in Teagasc Moorepark
  • Strategies to reduce N and GHG emissions solutions
  • Forestry supports and finances

Within the forest / rivers site:

  • Woodland establishment and early management topics
  • Measures to promote, maintain and improve water quality on farms as well as current research on water catchment and the Water of Life project
  • Impacts on overall farming enterprises

On the return journey through the Teagasc Moorepark research area:

  • Benefits of forests, re-introduction of hedgerows and multi-species swards

Further information