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Frequently Asked Questions

Application Process Overview

  1. Apply Online
    In order to submit an application you must create an account. Once your account has been created you can continue with the application.
    Applicants are required to upload detailed application information such as education details, proof of PPSN, Birth Certificate, Medical statement, next of kin and learner support requirements.
    You will receive an email to confirm that your application has been submitted.
  2. Application Review & Processing
    All applications are reviewed and if all information has been submitted and applicants meet requirements then a course offer will be sent to you via email.
    If further information is required to process the application, an email will be sent to you directly by the college requesting that information. You may be required to update further information online.
  3. Course Offer
    All offers are communicated via email. You will be required to accept or reject the offer online. Instructions will be included in the offer email how to do this.
  4. Payment of Fees
    Course fees are paid through online payment system. An email will be sent when payment of fees are due.

Making an Application

Who can apply using the online process?
Applicants who have an Irish Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) or a National Insurance Number from Northern Ireland may apply. All other applicants must contact the college/centre directly in order to apply.

How do I apply for a course?
Click here: Apply Online
Please select the course that you wish to apply for.
Please identify if you hold or are not a holder of a PPSN number.
Select the appropriate centre/college.
Register (Create Account) if it is your first time, otherwise sign in.
Complete application details as required.
Click Submit to complete and submit your application form.
All other applicants must contact the centre/college directly to apply. 

What documents do I need to apply?
You will need to supply copies of Birth Certificate, proof of PPSN & driving licence if applicable.
If you are under 18 years of age, your parent/guardian must download, complete, sign and upload the . All other college documentation, including College Learner Handbooks can be accessed here.

How do I request Learner Support?
Teagasc is an equal opportunities organisation and welcomes applications from people with disabilities. Teagasc is committed to supporting students with disabilities within the learning environment. Disclosure of a disability will in no way prejudice your application but rather help us to plan and provide the necessary supports.
It is important to indicate on your application that you have a learning difficulty or disability. You should also contact the relevant Access Officer to discuss your individual learning difficulty / disability.
Request for learner support or further information is available by contacting the relevant college/centre.

Can I Save and Exit my application?
Yes. You can save and exit at any stage of the application process. You can log back in to complete your application at any time.

How can I log back in and complete my application?
Click on the Teagasc Student Portal. You will need to enter your username and password to proceed.
Once signed in, you will see your application and its status. Select the application to be completed.
An application that was successfully submitted, will state ‘Submitted’ beside it.

What is my application number?
It is a unique number assigned to your application. Your application number is contained in the email sent to you after submitting your application.

How do I submit an application?
You must click on “Submit” which is available at the end of the form. Please review your application to ensure that it is fully completed before you submit it. 
Your application will not be sent until you click the Submit button.

How do I know that I have submitted my application successfully?
You will receive an email confirming that it was submitted successfully.

Can I submit a paper application form?
No. Applications can only be made online using the Teagasc Student Portal.
Applicants (EU and International) must contact the centre/college directly to apply.

What happens to my application once it is submitted?
You will receive an email confirming that your application has been submitted. Your application will be reviewed and processed accordingly. All communication regarding the status of your application will be sent to you via email.

How do I check my application status?
You must login to the Teagasc Student Portal to check for updates on your application. It is important that you check your emails regularly.

Can I view my application after I have submitted it?
Yes. You can log onto the Teagasc Student Portal at any stage. This will show your application status and any updates from the college.

Accessing the Teagasc student portal

Click on the link to open the Teagasc Student Portal

Do I need to register to apply for a course?
Yes. If you do not already have an account then you will need to create an account using the ‘New Account’ button.

Do I need to provide an email address?
Yes. You must provide an active email address.  Please ensure that you use your own personal email account when registering. All updates regarding your application will be communicated to you via this email.

What do I do if I forget my sign in details?
You can use “I forgot my sign in details” on the main application page.

You will need to enter your username (email). Your account password will be reset and details will be sent to the email address provided.  Please note: Teagasc will never email or contact you requesting your student portal login details.

Managing your Application

When is the online application system open for Level 5 applications?
The online applications system is open for course applications as indicated on the relevant course application pages.

When will courses close for applications?
The online applications system is closed as indicated on the relevant course application pages.

Can I apply to more than one college for the same course?
Yes you can apply to more than one college for the same course.
Simply select the relevant course at the college you wish to apply to, sign into the Teagasc Student Portal using your Username and Password and submit an application.
The Teagasc Student Portal will have retained your personal information so this will be pre-populated for you.

Application Fee
There is no application fee for this course.

Who do I contact if I have a query about my online application?
Contact the college to which you applied.

Do I have to create a new account every time I want to apply for a course?
No – just click on the course application link you wish to apply to and sign into the Teagasc Student Portal using your username and password.

Can I change my mind?
Yes.  You can submit applications up to the closing date.  If you have applied:
to the wrong course or to the wrong college/centre you can apply for another course by selecting the correct course / centre on the Teagasc website www.teagasc.ie/education.

Can I edit my application after I have submitted it?
It is not possible to edit your application once it has been submitted. If there is additional information you wish to include you can contact the relevant college via email.

Can I withdraw my application after it is submitted?
Yes.  If you wish to withdraw your application, please contact the centre to which you have applied by email, quoting your application reference number and ID number.

How do I know if I have an offer of a place?
Offers of places are made to the email you supplied.

How do I accept an offer of a place?
You can accept an offer of a place using the Teagasc Student Portal. An email with instructions will be issued to you from the admissions office.

When do I pay the course charge?
Course charges must be paid in full before the course commences.

How do I pay the course charge?
The course charge can be paid by credit or debit card online. Payment details will be included with the offer of a place.

Is a deposit payable for my course?

Can I get a refund?

Before course commencement:
The learner must confirm by email/in writing that s/he wishes to cancel their place before the start of the course. An administration fee of €100 will be retained by Teagasc and the balance of the fee will be refunded to the learner.  For component awards, an administration fee of €50 (per component award) will be retained by Teagasc. 

After course commencement:

    Course charges are not refunded after the 30th September.
    Course charges are not refunded.

However in exceptional circumstances the College Principal/Regional Manager may decide to make a partial refund in some force majeure circumstances. An administration charge of €100 must be retained by Teagasc at a minimum. For component awards, an administration fee of €50 (per component award) will be retained by Teagasc.