Tipperary Advisory Region
On behalf of Teagasc I would like to welcome you to the Tipperary Region section of the Teagasc website. This section gives you full up to date information on our Region including our , our Advisory Programmes and Services, and our Advisory and Educational public events and courses. It also has links to other sections within Teagasc. Our advisors have the backup of Teagasc Research which is carried out in Irish farming conditions. Our offices are situated in Clonmel, Thurles and Nenagh as well as a clinic in Tipperary town.
Download the Tipperary (pdf) 2021 regional review
Through the Advisory Service, we provide a comprehensive range of services
- One to One Advice to our Farmer Clients
- Farm Visits
- Office and Telephone Consultations
- Discussion Groups in Dairying, Cattle and Sheep – we facilitate 60 Discussion Groups with 1,000 Farmers meeting monthly throughout the year
- Nine Grass 10 Courses operating in the Region
- Participation in Industry Joint Programmes
- Events - such as Farm Walks, Seminars , Open Days on New and Relevant Topics
- Monthly Newsletters and Bi Monthly Today's Farm Magazine
Scheme Application and Support
- Basic Income Support Scheme and other Area Based Schemes Assistance and Advice
- Applications and Service for Schemes such as ACRES, SCEP & TAMS
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter, and check out our technical videos which are recorded by our advisors on the Teagasc/Tipperary YouTube channel
All farmers in the Region are encouraged to and are very welcome to attend our public events such as seminars, farm walks and open days across all enterprises during the year. These events are advertised in local papers, radio and social media.
As well as the main farm enterprises improvement in water quality is one of the key strategies of the Teagasc Tipperary Advisory Service and we have one dedicated advisor to the ASSAP programme to work with all farmers in the Region. This is done in collaboration with industry stake holders such as local Co-Operatives and LAWPRO.
Through the Regional Education System, we provide Courses for Young Entrants to Farming. These courses are tailored to meet the needs of the Part Time Farmer.
- Certificate in Farming Level 5 and Level 6 leading to the Green Cert
- Other Short Training Courses such as Health and Safety Training, Information Technology Training
Other Short Courses available include
- Financial Courses
- Special Environment Courses
- Cross Compliance Courses
- Farm Forestry
- Organic Farming
- Options Courses
- Grass 10 Courses
We have launched the new Signpost Programme which is a collaboration of stakeholders involved in the Agri Industry. It is aimed at reducing carbon and having a positive impact on climate change. We have identified a number of Signpost farmers in the region who will adopt new technologies to help reduce the greenhouse gas production from agriculture.
Regional Manager, Tipperary