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Overview of forest establishment grant rates

See table below with forest establishment grant rates 

Native Forests - Forest Type 1 (FT1)

The aim of Forest Type 1 – Native Forests is to create new native forests on 'green field' sites focusing on the planting of native tree species, minimal site disturbance and long-term 'close-to-nature' management.

Forests for Water - Forest Type 2 (FT2)

The aim of Forest Type 2 – Forests for Water incentivises the targeted planting of native forests by private landowners to protect a range of identified vulnerable and/or ecologically important waterbodies.

Forests on Public Lands - Forest Type 3 (FT3)

The aim of Forest Type 3 – Forests on Public Lands is to conserve nature by promoting the establishment of permanent, non-commercial native woodlands on public land which are capable of delivering a wide range of ecosystem services.

NeighbourWoods - Forest Type 4 (FT4)

The aim of Forest Type 4 – NeighbourWoods is to support the creation of new woodlands and woodland-based amenities for local communities to use and enjoy. It helps local authorities and other landowners, both public and private, to create ‘close-to-home’ woodland amenities in partnership with neighbouring communities.

Emergent Forests - Forest Type 5 (FT5)

The aim of Forest Type 5 – Emergent Forests is to provide support for the retention and appropriate management of suitable areas of ‘scrub’. These areas represent an important biodiversity feature with the potential for delivering many ecosystem services.

Pure Broadleaves, oak or beech - Forest Type 6 (FT6)

The aim of Forest Type 6 – Pure Broadleaves - oak or beech is to create broadleaf forests where the main species is oak or beech on 'green field' sites. The focus of this measure is on the production of quality oak or beech timber while delivering a wide range of ecosystem services.

Other Broadleaves - Forest Type 7 (FT7)

The aim of Forest Type 7 – Other Broadleaves is to create broadleaf forests (other than oak or beech) such as sycamore, birch and alder on suitable lands. The focus is on the production of quality hardwood timber while delivering a wide range of ecosystem services.

Agroforestry - Forest Type 8 (FT8)

The aim of Forest Type 8 – Agroforestry is to provide support for agroforestry and food forests. This will facilitate landowners in planting land with trees and continuing to produce food through agriculture.

Silvopastoral (trees and grass), silvoarable (trees and crops) and forest gardening (small-scale food forests) systems are supported.

Seed Orchards - Forest Type 9 (FT9)

The aim of Forest Type 9 – Seed Orchards is to increase the availability and quality of forest tree seed through supporting the establishment of new seed orchards and seed production areas.

Continuous Cover Forestry - Forest Type 10 (FT10)

The aim of Forest Type 10 – Continuous Cover Forestry is to create production forests which are suitably structured to be managed as continuous cover forests from establishment.

This silvicultural system improves biodiversity, soil and water quality and the landscape of the forest, while also increasing its climate change resilience to biotic and abiotic challenges while storing carbon in the forest for perpetuity.

Mixed High Forests with conifers and 20% broadleaves - Forest Type 11 (FT11)

The aim of FT11 – Mixed High Forests with conifers and broadleaves is to create production forests with conifer species such as Norway spruce, Scots pine or Douglas fir and 20% broadleaf species such as birch and alder.

Mixed High Forests with mainly spruce and 20% broadleaves - Forest Type 12 (FT12)

The aim of FT12 – Mixed High Forests with spruce and broadleaves is to create production forests with Sitka spruce and 20% broadleaf species such as birch and alder.

Native Tree Area Scheme - NTA 1 or NTA 2

The aim of the Native Tree Area Scheme is to provide support for the creation of small (0.1-1 ha) native forests on farms. NTA 1 supports the creation of small native forests on farmed land while NTA 2 supports the establishment of small native forests alongside streams, rivers and lakes. 

Table: proposed forest establishment grant rates


Forest Type

Grant Rates
(excluding fencing)

Annual Premium

Number of Premiums
for Non-Farmers

Number of Premiums
for Farmers

FT1  Native Forests €6,744 €1,103 15 20 
FT2 Forests for Water €6,744 €1,142 15 20 
FT3 Forests on Public Lands €10,544 €1,103 15 n/a
FT4 NeighbourWoods €10,200 €1,142 15 20
FT5 Emergent Forests €2,500 €350 15 20
FT6 Pure Broadleaves, mainly oak or beech €6,744 €1,037 15 20
FT7 Other Broadleaves €4,314 €973 15 20
FT8 Agroforestry - silvopastoral €8,555 €975 10 10
FT8 Agroforestry - silvoarable €6,000 €829 10 10
FT8 Agroforestry - forest gardening €6,000 €829 10 10
FT9  Seed Orchards €10,000 €1,142 15 20
FT10 Continuous Cover Forestry €5,421 €912 15 20
FT11 Mixed High Forests: conifer, 20% broadleaves €4,452 €863 15 20
FT12 Mixed High Forests: spruce, 20% broadleaves €3,858 €746 15 20
NTA 1 Small native forests  €6,744 €2,206  n/a 10 
NTA 2 Small native forests for water protection  €6,744 €2,284  n/a 10 

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