Laois Kildare Meath Louth Dublin Advisory Region
On behalf of Teagasc I would like to welcome you to the Laois/Kildare/Meath/Louth/Dublin Advisory Region section of the Teagasc website. This section gives you full up-to-date information on our region including our staff, our Advisory Programmes and Services, and our Advisory and Educational courses and public events. It also has links to other sections within Teagasc.
Download the Laois/Kildare/Meath/Louth/Dublin (pdf) 2021 regional review
Through the Advisory Service, we provide a comprehensive range of services.
- One to One Advice to our 5,000 Farmer Clients
- Farm Visits
- Office and Telephone Consultations
- Discussion Groups in Dairying, Cattle and Sheep – we facilitate 65 Discussion Groups with some participating 1,000 Farmers meeting monthly throughout the year
- Public Events - such as Farm Walks, Seminars , Open Days on New and Relevant Topics
- Monthly Newsletters and Bi Monthly Today's Farm Magazine
Scheme Application and Support
- Basic Payment Scheme Assistance and Advice
- Applications and Service for Schemes such as BEEP, BGDP, BEAM, GLAS, TAMS and Hen Harrier
Through the Regional Education System, we provide Courses for Young Entrants to Farming. These courses are tailored to meet the needs of the Part Time Farmer.
- Certificate in Farming Level 5 and 6 Leading to the Green Cert
- Other Short Training Courses such as Health and Safety Training, Information Technology Training
Other Short Courses available include
- Special Environment Courses
- Health & Safety Courses
- Cross Compliance Courses
- Farm Forestry
- Organic Farming
- Options Courses
- Grass 10 Courses
- Dairy Start Up Courses
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and the Teagasc YouTube channel for our most recent technical information and Regional videos.
Teagasc are also providing daily webinars and podcasts for all enterprises.
David Colbourne
Regional Manager for Laois, Kildare, Meath, Louth Dublin