Waterford / Kilkenny Advisory Region
On behalf of Teagasc Waterford / Kilkenny region I would like to welcome you to our section of the Teagasc website. This section gives you full up-to-date information on our region including our Staff and our advisory educational programmes and services. You can also find information in relation to our public Events. It also links to other sites within Teagasc. The Teagasc advisory programme provides all farmers throughout the country with the opportunity to see best practice in operation and to acquire new skills.
Our offices are located in Dungarvan, Mullinavat & Kilkenny.
Download the Waterford/Kilkenny (pdf) 2021 regional review
Advisory Services Include
- One to One Advice to our 3,000 farmer clients within the region
- Farm Visits
- Phone/Office Consultations
- Dairy, Beef & Sheep Discussion Groups - the region facilitates 57 groups
- Public Events - Farm Walks, Seminars, Open Days
- Pasture Base and Grass10
- Dairy Open Source Future Farm with Glanbia - 4 Open Source Future Farm Participants
- Green Acres Calf to Beef programme - 2 monitor farms in the region
- Technical newletters are sent to all our client's monthly covering dairy, beef, sheep & tillage.
Scheme Application and Support
- Basic Payment Scheme Assistance and Advice
- Applications and Services for Schemes such as BEAM, BEEP, BDGP, GLAS & TAMS
Through the Regional Education System, courses for new entrants to farming are provided:
- Certificate in Farming levels 5 and 6 leading to the Green Cert
Short courses available include:
- Health & Safety Courses
- Environmental Courses
- Options/Alternative Enterprises
- Organic Farming
- Farm Forestry
- Dairy Start Up/Milking Machine Courses
- Grass10 Courses
- Computer Courses (contact your local office for information)
Teagasc also provide daily webinars and podcasts for dairy, beef, sheep, pig and tillage enterprises.
We are now using information technology to deliver services to our farmer clients. All BPS and scheme applications are completed on-line by advisors and applications such as Zoom and Lync are used to deliver conference calls, courses and discussion groups during the Coronavirus lockdown. Keep up-to-date with Covid-19 Protocols here.
If you really want to get the most from your farm come talk to us and we will provide an advisory package tailored to your needs.
Regional Manager, Waterford / Kilkenny