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Climate Centre Research Projects

A list of current Climate Centre research projects within each of the research priorities are listed below.

Circular food systemEnhance adaptationEnhance biodiversity | Increase carbon captureIncrease diversificationReduce methane emissionsReduce nitrogen emissionsSupporting policy

Circular food system

Project Title Lead Researcher
Upcycling side streams for sustainable and healthy ingredients and new food concepts  Brijesh Tiwari
Novel nutritional and management strategies to reduce antimicrobial reliance and antimicrobial resistance on Irish pig farms Peadar Lawlor
Development of a National Framework for Vitamin D Deficiency Prevention – A MultiActor Approach to Nutrition Security Sinead McCarthy
Extraction of soluble fibres from agriculture side streams Brijesh Tiwari
Technological intervention for development of circular agri-food system to produce proteins from minor cereals Brijesh Tiwari
Valorisation of polysaccharide-rich residual fractions obtained from deproteinized legumes to produce emulsion gels Laura Mascaraque
Microbial Proteins: A sustainable waste-to-protein system for developing feed-grade protein solutions Brijesh Tiwari
STEP UP - Sustainable Livestock Systems Transition and Evidence Platform for Upgrading Policies David Kenny
Biostimulants for Grass Production James Humphreys
Circular Bovine and Ovine Co-Products Valorisation Shay Hannon
Gluten-free innovation for novel, sustainable food systems: From farm gate to consumer plate Eimear Gallagher
PROOF: MesoPelagic ingRedients for fOOD and Feed Maria Hayes
Implementation and development of economic viable algae-based value chains in NEW Maria Hayes
Novel Proteins - Structure and Functionality Andre Brodkorb


Enhance adaptation

Project Title Lead Researcher
Developing strategies for the different sectors of Irish Agriculture to adapt to Climate change challenges  Elodie Ruelle
New trait addition to the Pasture Profit Index, development of a Clover Profit Index Michael O'Donovan
Resilience for Dairy Laurence Shalloo
Exploring the concepts of resilience, adaptive capacity and vulnerability to climate change on Irish farms: Implications for farm sustainability and mitigation capacity

Lorraine Balaine

Agrowise - Developing guidance on crop specific rules in order to support the alignment of the tillage sector relative to the goals of the Sustainable User Regulation (SUR) Ewen Mullins
Industry level data integration and development of an online digital sustainability platform and decision support tool for agricultural production systems in Ireland Jonathan Herron
Developing strategies for the different sectors of Irish Agriculture to adapt to Climate change challenges Elodie Ruelle
Research on farm level behavioural change towards building climate change resilience Maeve Henchion
Using Precision fertiliser management with perennial ryegrass/white clover swards to further increase the sustainability of dairy grazing systems Michael O'Donovan


Enhance biodiversity

Project Title Lead Researcher
Development of a Biodiversity Indicator for the Teagasc National Farm Survey John Finn
Valorization of Marine Invasive Alien Species a Pathway Towards the Protection of European Marine Biodiversity: From Destructive Invaders to a Source of Wealth

Brijesh Tiwari

Breeding Fraxinus excelsior (Common or European ash) for dieback disease tolerance to conserve and re-establish ash on the island of Ireland Dheeraj Rathore
Enterprise Ireland Coordination Support Grant for the FarmBioNet Project Saorla Kavanagh


Increase carbon capture

Project Title Lead Researcher
Carbon sequestration from Agricultural soils from different Land-uses, Managements and Soil types Rachael Murphy
Refinement of the drainage status of grassland peat soils Patrick Tuohy
Soil Spectral Libraries for Mobile App enabled Soil Analysis Karen Daly
Proximal sensing for near real-time monitoring of soil organic carbon pools for climate smart management Karen Daly
VistaMilk TP 1D - DLT Carbon Sequestration Karl Richards
Modelling and measuring agricultural management on peat soils to enhance removals and sequestration of carbon Giulia Bondi
"Developing and testing a framework for the design of harmonized, context specific Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems for soil Carbon and greenhouse gas balances by Agricultural activities" Gary Lanigan
Optimising solute transport dynamics in dairy matrices focused on increasing the sustainability of industrial scale cheese manufacture  Ali Alehosseini
Deep Soil Carbon Observatory: Unveiling Subsurface Carbon Dynamics for Climate Change Mitigation Giulia Bondi


Increase diversification

Project Title Lead Researcher
Developing and Exploiting the sustainability potential of oats in rotations, circular production, and in mitigating green house gas emissions Atikur Rahman
Empowering Organic Farming through Innovative Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Organic Fertiliser Production Paul Crosson
Initial agronomic performance of different apple genotypes grown in Ireland and the influence of genotype, rootstock and training system interaction on vegetative, productive and physiological behaviour Alberto Ramos Luz
Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability of Horticulture: A Diversification Opportunity Fiona Thorne
Demonstrating Agricultural Anaerobic Digestion Ciara Beausang
Enhancing biotic stress resilience in barley Maria De la O Leyva Pérez
Improvement of biomethane yields from agricultural feedstock Ciara Beausang
Comprehensive analysis of Venturia inaequalis populations in Irish apple orchards: fungicide sensitivity, virulence, and genomic insights Alberto Ramos Luz


Reduce methane emissions

Project Title Lead Researcher
Development and Validation of high throughput predictors for large capacity screening of methane emitting ruminant livestock at an individual and system level  Fiona McGovern
"VistaMilk Platform 8: Deployment"  Laurence Shalloo
Managing Anthelmintic Resistance in Cattle Sustainably Orla Keane
Evaluation of feed consumption characteristics and associated biophysical, economic and environmental performance of beef cattle divergent in genetic merit for intake Paul Crosson
Development and application of transformative genetic, dietary and manure management technologies to reduce methane emissions from Irish pasture-based beef and dairy production systems David Kenny
Biosecurity status of Irish dairy farms - assessment and intervention John Mee
Sustainable Control of Internal Parasites of Sheep  Orla Keane
Lifetime Carbon Measurement (LCM) Donagh Berry


Reduce nitrogen emissions

Project Title Lead Researcher
Low-emissions dairy production without fertilizer N or herbicides James Humphreys
Strategies for Circular Agriculture to reduce GHG emissions within and between farming systems across an agro-ecological gradient James Humphreys
Assessing Peatland Emissions of Nitrous Oxide Owen Fenton
Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from ruminant systems through accelerating nitrification inhibition in ryegrass and plantain mixed pastures Bridget Lynch
FERTIGO: Improving fertilizing strategies by innovative use of Plantain (Plantago lanceola) in agricultural systems Bridget Lynch
Innovative decision-making tool for defining the most suitable manure management strategies to achieve a sustainable livestock farming system during the whole value chain Lorraine Balaine
Low-emissions dairy production without fertilizer N or herbicides James Humphreys
The Impact of Cover-Crop Management on Lamb Performance and Nitrate Leaching Russell Adams
Lowering the carbon and ammonia footprints of pasture-based dairy production James Humphreys
PASTURE-NUE: A multidisciplinary approach to increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of pasture-based systems Michael Dineen


Supporting policy

Project Title Lead Researcher
A solution-oriented framework for reducing the slaughter age of Irish beef cattle Paul Smith
European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures Raymond Kelly
Measuring enteric methane from pasture-based ruminant livestock and generating country specific emission factors  Ben Lahart
Gender and Generational Factors in Agricultural Resource Management for Sustainability Emma Dillon
Study on the Mechanism of Starch-based Emulsion Gel Regulating Sodium Ion Release and Salty Taste Perception and their Food Application Song Miao
Modernakis - Modernisation of agriculture through more efficient and effective agricultural knowledge and innovation systems Mark Gibson
Evaluation and Manipulation of the Mechanisms and Interactions of Protein-Carbohydrates-Ingredients for Formulating Novel Plant-Based Cheese Song Miao
Geospatial drainage status detection mapping of organic rich soils for NIR and policy support needs Owen Fenton

See also Forestry Research Projects