Climate Centre Research Projects
A list of current Climate Centre research projects within each of the research priorities are listed below.
Circular food system | Enhance adaptation | Enhance biodiversity | Increase carbon capture | Increase diversification | Reduce methane emissions | Reduce nitrogen emissions | Supporting policy
Circular food system
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Upcycling side streams for sustainable and healthy ingredients and new food concepts | Brijesh Tiwari |
Novel nutritional and management strategies to reduce antimicrobial reliance and antimicrobial resistance on Irish pig farms | Peadar Lawlor |
Development of a National Framework for Vitamin D Deficiency Prevention – A MultiActor Approach to Nutrition Security | Sinead McCarthy |
Extraction of soluble fibres from agriculture side streams | Brijesh Tiwari |
Technological intervention for development of circular agri-food system to produce proteins from minor cereals | Brijesh Tiwari |
Valorisation of polysaccharide-rich residual fractions obtained from deproteinized legumes to produce emulsion gels | Laura Mascaraque |
Microbial Proteins: A sustainable waste-to-protein system for developing feed-grade protein solutions | Brijesh Tiwari |
STEP UP - Sustainable Livestock Systems Transition and Evidence Platform for Upgrading Policies | David Kenny |
Biostimulants for Grass Production | James Humphreys |
Circular Bovine and Ovine Co-Products Valorisation | Shay Hannon |
Gluten-free innovation for novel, sustainable food systems: From farm gate to consumer plate | Eimear Gallagher |
PROOF: MesoPelagic ingRedients for fOOD and Feed | Maria Hayes |
Implementation and development of economic viable algae-based value chains in NEW | Maria Hayes |
Novel Proteins - Structure and Functionality | Andre Brodkorb |
Enhance adaptation
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Developing strategies for the different sectors of Irish Agriculture to adapt to Climate change challenges | Elodie Ruelle |
New trait addition to the Pasture Profit Index, development of a Clover Profit Index | Michael O'Donovan |
Resilience for Dairy | Laurence Shalloo |
Exploring the concepts of resilience, adaptive capacity and vulnerability to climate change on Irish farms: Implications for farm sustainability and mitigation capacity | |
Agrowise - Developing guidance on crop specific rules in order to support the alignment of the tillage sector relative to the goals of the Sustainable User Regulation (SUR) | Ewen Mullins |
Industry level data integration and development of an online digital sustainability platform and decision support tool for agricultural production systems in Ireland | Jonathan Herron |
Developing strategies for the different sectors of Irish Agriculture to adapt to Climate change challenges | Elodie Ruelle |
Research on farm level behavioural change towards building climate change resilience | Maeve Henchion |
Using Precision fertiliser management with perennial ryegrass/white clover swards to further increase the sustainability of dairy grazing systems | Michael O'Donovan |
Enhance biodiversity
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Development of a Biodiversity Indicator for the Teagasc National Farm Survey | John Finn |
Valorization of Marine Invasive Alien Species a Pathway Towards the Protection of European Marine Biodiversity: From Destructive Invaders to a Source of Wealth | |
Breeding Fraxinus excelsior (Common or European ash) for dieback disease tolerance to conserve and re-establish ash on the island of Ireland | Dheeraj Rathore |
Enterprise Ireland Coordination Support Grant for the FarmBioNet Project | Saorla Kavanagh |
Increase carbon capture
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Carbon sequestration from Agricultural soils from different Land-uses, Managements and Soil types | Rachael Murphy |
Refinement of the drainage status of grassland peat soils | Patrick Tuohy |
Soil Spectral Libraries for Mobile App enabled Soil Analysis | Karen Daly |
Proximal sensing for near real-time monitoring of soil organic carbon pools for climate smart management | Karen Daly |
VistaMilk TP 1D - DLT Carbon Sequestration | Karl Richards |
Modelling and measuring agricultural management on peat soils to enhance removals and sequestration of carbon | Giulia Bondi |
"Developing and testing a framework for the design of harmonized, context specific Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems for soil Carbon and greenhouse gas balances by Agricultural activities" | Gary Lanigan |
Optimising solute transport dynamics in dairy matrices focused on increasing the sustainability of industrial scale cheese manufacture | Ali Alehosseini |
Deep Soil Carbon Observatory: Unveiling Subsurface Carbon Dynamics for Climate Change Mitigation | Giulia Bondi |
Increase diversification
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Developing and Exploiting the sustainability potential of oats in rotations, circular production, and in mitigating green house gas emissions | Atikur Rahman |
Empowering Organic Farming through Innovative Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Organic Fertiliser Production | Paul Crosson |
Initial agronomic performance of different apple genotypes grown in Ireland and the influence of genotype, rootstock and training system interaction on vegetative, productive and physiological behaviour | Alberto Ramos Luz |
Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability of Horticulture: A Diversification Opportunity | Fiona Thorne |
Demonstrating Agricultural Anaerobic Digestion | Ciara Beausang |
Enhancing biotic stress resilience in barley | Maria De la O Leyva Pérez |
Improvement of biomethane yields from agricultural feedstock | Ciara Beausang |
Comprehensive analysis of Venturia inaequalis populations in Irish apple orchards: fungicide sensitivity, virulence, and genomic insights | Alberto Ramos Luz |
Reduce methane emissions
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Development and Validation of high throughput predictors for large capacity screening of methane emitting ruminant livestock at an individual and system level | Fiona McGovern |
"VistaMilk Platform 8: Deployment" | Laurence Shalloo |
Managing Anthelmintic Resistance in Cattle Sustainably | Orla Keane |
Evaluation of feed consumption characteristics and associated biophysical, economic and environmental performance of beef cattle divergent in genetic merit for intake | Paul Crosson |
Development and application of transformative genetic, dietary and manure management technologies to reduce methane emissions from Irish pasture-based beef and dairy production systems | David Kenny |
Biosecurity status of Irish dairy farms - assessment and intervention | John Mee |
Sustainable Control of Internal Parasites of Sheep | Orla Keane |
Lifetime Carbon Measurement (LCM) | Donagh Berry |
Reduce nitrogen emissions
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
Low-emissions dairy production without fertilizer N or herbicides | James Humphreys |
Strategies for Circular Agriculture to reduce GHG emissions within and between farming systems across an agro-ecological gradient | James Humphreys |
Assessing Peatland Emissions of Nitrous Oxide | Owen Fenton |
Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from ruminant systems through accelerating nitrification inhibition in ryegrass and plantain mixed pastures | Bridget Lynch |
FERTIGO: Improving fertilizing strategies by innovative use of Plantain (Plantago lanceola) in agricultural systems | Bridget Lynch |
Innovative decision-making tool for defining the most suitable manure management strategies to achieve a sustainable livestock farming system during the whole value chain | Lorraine Balaine |
Low-emissions dairy production without fertilizer N or herbicides | James Humphreys |
The Impact of Cover-Crop Management on Lamb Performance and Nitrate Leaching | Russell Adams |
Lowering the carbon and ammonia footprints of pasture-based dairy production | James Humphreys |
PASTURE-NUE: A multidisciplinary approach to increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of pasture-based systems | Michael Dineen |
Supporting policy
Project Title | Lead Researcher |
A solution-oriented framework for reducing the slaughter age of Irish beef cattle | Paul Smith |
European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures | Raymond Kelly |
Measuring enteric methane from pasture-based ruminant livestock and generating country specific emission factors | Ben Lahart |
Gender and Generational Factors in Agricultural Resource Management for Sustainability | Emma Dillon |
Study on the Mechanism of Starch-based Emulsion Gel Regulating Sodium Ion Release and Salty Taste Perception and their Food Application | Song Miao |
Modernakis - Modernisation of agriculture through more efficient and effective agricultural knowledge and innovation systems | Mark Gibson |
Evaluation and Manipulation of the Mechanisms and Interactions of Protein-Carbohydrates-Ingredients for Formulating Novel Plant-Based Cheese | Song Miao |
Geospatial drainage status detection mapping of organic rich soils for NIR and policy support needs | Owen Fenton |
See also Forestry Research Projects