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Better Farm Sheep Update - Patrick Dunne, Co. Wicklow

Patrick Dunne is a participant in the Teagasc Sheep Better Farm Programme. The programme focuses on grassland management, breeding and production methods. Patrick gives an overview of this farm as well as an update on what's been happening on the farm.

The BETTER Farm Sheep Programme is led from the sheep research centre in Athenry Athenry has been developed in collaboration with the Sheep Specialists. There are 12 participating farmers with a good range of lowland, hill and mixed flocks. Here Patrick Dunne from Rathdrum in Couny Wicklow gives an update on his farm. Patrick Runs both hill and lowland sheep enterprises as well as a suckler cow beef enterprise. He is Hill grazing (280 ha) on commonage along with 56 ha of green land. 

Patrick also featured on a recent episode of the Sheep podcast Ovicast. 

Read more about Patrick's farm and his plans here