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The ACP works together with a wide range of organisations including the EPA, DAFM and third level institutions.


The catchments team work with a wide range of organisations both within and outside Ireland. In this video, Eleanor Jennings and Brian MacDonald speak about their own particular areas and how water quality may be improved.


A four year (2019-2023) collaborative project funded by the EPA and the Office of Public Works (OPW), researchers from TCD, UCCNewcastle University and the James Hutton Institute are assessing the benefits of Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) for agricultural catchments in Ireland.


This EPA/DAFM funded project is investigating the effectiveness of mitigation measures on water quality in Ireland and considering future changes in population growth, land use and climate change.

iCRAG Project GW3.2 

This project is investigating the occurrence of emerging organic contaminants from agriculture to groundwater in karst and fractured bedrock aquifers throughout Ireland. Looking at the frequency of occurrence of these contaminants (mainly anti-parasitic agents), it is seeking to determine the source factors (point and diffuse such as land spreading of manures and slurries, etc) and pathway factors such as soil, bedrock, etc. 


This project (EPA funded) is focused on key estuarine areas in Ireland that are affected by seaweed blooms: Argideen and Clonakilty estuaries, Co. Cork; Tolka estuary, Co. Dublin and Killybegs estuary, Co. Donegal. It aims to identify the pressures these estuaries face in relation to macroalgal bloom occurrences and assess management actions aimed at reducing blooms in a global change context.


This EPA/DAFM funded research project uses a multi-disciplinary approach to understand the use of pesticides in the environment and develop a low-cost, passive, in situ method for their remediation. More information is available from the Pest-Man project's website.


Funded by the EPA & DAFM, the objective is to evaluate the extent, connectivity and nature of Irish roadways and their role in nutrient transport. In time the project will devise and test mitigation strategies including best management practices and engineering solutions and more information is available on the roadrunner Teagasc webpage.


Funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, the project aims to increase the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of dairy farms in the Atlantic area. It involves five countries (Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal), 12 Atlantic regions and a diverse range of milk production systems. Some of these participating farms are in the ACP. More information is available from the Dairy4Future project's website.


Co-funded by the EPA and DAFM, this project approaches the issue of water quality from the scientific, institutional and behavioural perspectives. Crossing over between research and knowledge transfer, there are a wide range of bodies involved including UCG, UCDASSAP and National Rural Network. For more information, visit the WaterMARKE Teagasc webpage.

Smarter BufferZ  (2017 - to date)

Funded by the EPA, the project aims to ensure optimal targeting and management of riparian buffers for the effective management of Irish rivers. For more information please visit the Smarter BufferZ Teagasc page and also the Smarter BufferZ project YouTube channel.

Past Projects


A Marie Curie initiative, this Europe-wide research network focused on all aspects of soil and groundwater remediation. It provided advanced training to early-stage researchers related to the sustainable intensification of agriculture and the development of low-technology management solutions. The project worked with a wide range of organisations and the ACP took part in site visits and workshops. 

DiffuseTools:  (2017 - 2020)
Funding: EPA Research Programme 2014-2020
Aim: To develope modelling tools for catchment and water management policy.
ACP role: Per-Erik Mellander was one of the project's partners and an author on the final report.
More information: The final report (#396) 'Catchment Models and Management Tools for Diffuse Contaminants (Sediment, Phosphorus and Pesticides): DiffuseTools Project' is available here from the EPA website.
WaterProtect (2017 - 2020)
Funding: EU Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant agreement No 727450)
Aim: To develop new solutions and tools where water pollution from intensive agriculture may affect the quality of the drinking water
ACP role: Ballycanew and Castledockrell were one of the Action labs in WaterProtect - the other six were in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain
More information: The final conclusions of the project were presented during a virtual, final conference webinar on 24 September 2020. The webinar video and the speaker presentations are available at water-protect.eu
COSAINT (2015 - 2019)
Funding: EPA Research Programme 2014–2020
Aim: To assess the effect of cattle access to watercourses on water quality
ACP role: Led by Teagasc, researchers from Dundalk Institute of TechnologyDublin City University  and University College Dublin studied a number of sites - three were in the Dunleer catchment 
More information: End of project EPA Research Report No 330. COSAINT: Cattle Exclusion from Watercourses - Environmental and Socio-economic Implications PDF