Pig Research Farm Update April 2021
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager in the Teagasc Pig Research Facility in Moorepark gives us an update on the research work which is happening in the unit at the moment, talks about interesting production figures in litters from a particular sow and tells us about a new liquid feed system recently installed
16 April 2021
Bull Safety
The breeding season has started on many farms and that brings increased risks associated with close contact with animals. HSA figures show bulls were involved in over 18% of livestock related deaths on Irish farms in 2011-2020. John McNamara & Francis Bligh, Health & Safety Specialists report here
16 April 2021
How Does Grass Grow?
Perennial ryegrass (PRG) is the most commonly sown grass species in Ireland. As a perennial plant it's characterised by having the growing point close to the ground and it regrows after each grazing & cutting, without the need for frequent reseeding. Patricia Lynch, Teagasc Advisor Westport has more
15 April 2021
Have multi species swards a role on Irish farms?
Multi species swards have the ability to grow 11Ton of dry matter with no chemical nitrogen, but have they a role on Irish farms? Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Advisor, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick addresses this question here and discusses what is known so far about Multi species swards
06 April 2021
TResearch Spring 2021
TResearch is an official science publication of Teagasc. It aims to disseminate the results of the organisation’s research to a broad audience. The Spring Edition of TResearch has a special feature on grass roots - 70 years of grassland research; milk fractions for pigs; kelp; BREXIT & farm income.
03 April 2021
Farm Business Options - Digitalisation to transform agriculture in Ireland
On a recent Farm Business Options webinar which took place on Tuesday, 23rd March 2021, host Barry Caslin was joined by Teagasc colleagues Stuart Green & Áine Regan and Peter Mc Shane from GLAS Energy Technology, to discuss digitalisation to transform agriculture in Ireland.
01 April 2021
Equine Nutrition and Digestion
An active horse is a healthy horse. In this Farm Walk and Talk video with AgriAware, Crea English, an equine lecturer in Kildalton College talks to about the equine nutrition and the equine digestive system.
31 March 2021
Teagasc Pig Research Farm Update - March 2021
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager in the Teagasc Pig Research Facility in Moorepark gives us an update on what's been happening in the unit, covering the latest production figures and the ongoing research taking place in the unit.
29 March 2021
Best Practice use of pesticides
Monitoring of drinking water in Ireland continues to detect exceedances above the standard for certain herbicides. The chemicals causing greatest problems are MCPA (Agritox, Mortone, etc) and 2,4-D (Bandock EW, Mortox 50 etc). They are highly soluble in water. Kieran Kenny ASSAP Advisor has more
25 March 2021
Pesticides and losses to water
What happens to pesticides after application? TEAGASC researchers have monitored the concentrations of commonly used herbicides in two agricultural river catchments as a part of the EU Horizon 2020-funded WaterProtect. Per-Erik Mellander, Catchment Scientist, has details of this on-going monitoring
25 March 2021
What is a Riparian Margin & what can it do for Water Quality?
A Riparian Margin is the land that runs alongside our rivers and streams. Here, Fiona Doolan, Teagasc ASSAP Advisor, Co. Laois, talks about a variety of riparian margins. She explains the benefits of a riparian margin on water quality and the role it plays in protecting rivers and streams
24 March 2021
How Nitrate leaching occurs
Nitrate leaching can occur during times of heavy or prolonged rainfall. Free draining soils are particularly susceptible to nitrate loss as it's very mobile in soil and readily leaches groundwater. The highest risk is in winter and early spring, as Prof Owen Fenton, Teagasc Researcher explains
23 March 2021
Using kick sampling to determine the quality of water in a river?
Macro-invertebrates are small aquatic animals such as insect larva, snails, worms, beetles etc and are excellent indicators of water quality. Where rivers are unpolluted these are in abundance. Scientists examine these macroinvertebrates by kick sampling, as LAWPRO catchment scientists demonstrate
22 March 2021
Why is water quality important?
We need safe and secure waters to supply agriculture, industry and our drinking water needs. It is important that we understand what causes damage to our waters and work together to protect them. As part of Water Quality Week and World Water Day today, LAWPRO Scientist Ruth Hennessy has more here
22 March 2021
EU's green deal - Essential role of legumes
This webinar is a Legume innovation and networking workshop which is hosted by Mark Gibson and brought to you by Teagasc. The legumes innovation workshop aims to identify transition paths enabling home grown legumes in a more sustainable food and feed value chain.
21 March 2021
Teagasc forest establishment workshops very well received
During February and March, landowners were able to participate in three one-hour online workshops “Planting a new forest - Getting started”, organised by Teagasc’s Forestry Development Department. Close to 600 people registered for these workshops and each session had well over 300 participants
20 March 2021
Water Quality Week
Teagasc Water Quality Week runs next week Monday, 22nd March to Friday, 26th March. Water quality week is organised in collaboration with the dairy processing co-ops and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO). Noel Meehan, Programme Manager ASSAP has details of the plans for the week here
19 March 2021
GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme Farmer Focus - John & Margaret Murphy
John & Margaret Murphy, Co. Cork are GLAS participants who availed of the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme for repairs to an old stone outbuilding on the farm. Eimear Connery, Teagasc Advisor has more details. For the past four days Teagasc Daily focused on Co Cork participants of this scheme
14 March 2021
GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme Farmer Focus - Tom O'Neill
Tom O'Neill, Co. Cork is a GLAS participant who availed of the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme for repairs to an old 1740s tower building. Eimear Connery, Teagasc Advisor has more details. For one more day, of a four day focus, Teagasc Daily will focus on Co Cork participants of this scheme
13 March 2021
GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme Farmer Focus - Kevin Wood
Kevin Wood, Co. Cork is a GLAS participant who availed of the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme for repairs mainly to a lofted grain store dating back to 1888. Eimear Connery, Teagasc Advisor has more details. For two more days Teagasc Daily will focus on Co Cork participants of this scheme
12 March 2021
GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme Farmer Focus - Siobhan Madden
Siobhan Madden, Co. Cork is a GLAS 3 participant who availed of the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme for repairs to adjoining 200 year old buildings. Enda Maloney, Teagasc Advisor has more details. For the next three days Teagasc Daily will focus on Co Cork participants of this scheme
11 March 2021
The Signpost Series - Impact of climate change on smallholder food production in the tropics
In this episode of The Signpost Series, Mark Gibson is joined by Paul Wagstaff, Senior Agricultural Advisor with Self Help Africa who speaks about the impact of climate change on smallholder food production in the tropics and the interventions that can be used to reduce the impacts of climate change
11 March 2021
Wood Heritage
Wood is the oldest material known to humans. Michael Somers, Forestry Advisor takes us on a journey through the heritage of wood from the 7th Century to the present day. He outlines it's varied and interesting uses which are steeped in tradition and culture.
09 March 2021
Farm Planning – Don’t leave it to the last minute
Andy Ryder, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Westport focuses on applications for and changes to, Herd Numbers. He identifies how this impacts on Basic Payment Scheme, ANC, GLAS and Forestry schemes. Andy emphasizes the importance of planning in advance and not leaving Herd No changes until the last minute
06 March 2021
Irish Pig Market; Riding high in Dec but shot down in May
Michael McKeon, Teagasc Pig Development Officer, Moorepark, reviews the Ups and Downs of the Irish Pig Market of 2020; a year of great promise but of modest profitability. He also discusses the volatility of the feed ingredient market here
05 March 2021
North-facing slopes: Topography and the start of spring
Topography describes many aspects of the physical landscape we live in. February Map of the Month shows areas where topography has a tangible impact. Soil temperature is key to start of growth in spring. Besides latitude, exposure to sunlight is an important factor determining the start of spring.
02 March 2021
Additional resources to meet demand for Green Cert Courses | Teagasc Virtual College Open Days
Teagasc welcomes the recent announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., giving approval for the recruitment of 20 fixed term education staff to meet exceptional demand for Teagasc Green Cert courses.
27 February 2021
Pig Farming Options and Opportunities for Reinvestment
Just a year ago, pig producers were experiencing a long awaited period of strong profitability on the back of the brightest outlook for the sector in decades. Emer McCrum, Pig Development Officer, Teagasc discusses the Options and Opportunities for pig producers to reinvestment in their businesses.
26 February 2021
Smartphone use in Agriculture: What do we know?
As the use of smartphone technology is becoming increasingly popular, there is a need to consider how farmers have adapted. Ursula Kenny gives an insight into a study that was carried out which examined the factors that influence Irish farmers’ engagement with smartphone use.
26 February 2021
Are you interested in coming to a Teagasc College?
Interested in pursuing a career in the land and agri-food sector? Have you considered applying for a course at a Teagasc college? Teagasc colleges offer a wide array of full-time and part-time courses in agriculture, horticulture, equine, forestry and more. Sign up & Join our March Virtual Open Days
24 February 2021